Tuesday, January 12, 2010

my two halves


the word life that
i play along with
has me in splits;

the sleep that
blankets me with
starry nights is split,
in sugarry dreams
and ghoulish nightmares;

the awakening that
comes with
a reluctant sun is split,
in fresh blossoms
and decayin carcass;

Life has me in splits,
of sorrows and laughter,
over and over,
over my two halves
of sorrows and laughter.

the word Truth that
i never question
has me in splits;

the fears that
surround me split,
in bitter truth
and spicy lies;

the present that
i walk in
without complains split
in glowing crimson embers
of hope,
and dark weary clouds
of disappointment;

Truth has me in splits,
of sorrows and laughter,
over and over,
over my two halves
of sorrows and laughter.


  1. Nice Poem..
    Acha hua tune ye poem SMS kar di thi.. :)
    I got this one in 2 attempts.. :P *You know me*

    Sexy Template.. :D

    Welcome to Blogger.. n Plz pass some fucking credits.. ;)
