Friday, February 26, 2010

Te@cH mE teR pR@y...

Please teach me, Lord ...
I want to know
Exactly how to pray.
I need some words
Which ones are right?
Please tell me what to say.

I've bowed my head
I have knelt down,
But ... should I be upright?
I've closed my eyes,
I've raised my hands,
Or ... should I fold them tight?

Do I stand up?
Should I sit down?
Dear Lord ... what do you like?
Are lights turned on
Or are they off?
Maybe ... candle light?

Wear my glasses?
Take them off
Be at my desk or table?
Should I whisper?
Speak out loud?
Do I quote the Gita, Koran, Bible
The Buddha or Guru Nanak?

What do you think
About the time?
Do You prefer the dawn?
Should I pray fast,
Or keep it slow?
Better short ... or long?

I'm new at this
What are the rules?
I want to do it right.
How do I know
You'll even hear
That I am in Your sight?

And while I sat there quietly,
Waiting for some sign,
I heard a gentle voice say,
"Oh, dearest child of mine ...
Do you think I really care
About the time of day,
Or whether you are standing up,
Or kneeling when you pray?"

"I don't care about your posture,
Or about the place you choose;
Just open up your soul to me,
I have no other rules.
Tell me what is in your heart,
And tell me what you seek;
Tell me of your sorrows,
And of those things that made you weak."

"Speak to me in private
About what concerns you most;
I know about your good deeds ...
You have no need to boast.
My child, you don't need lessons,
Just talk to me each day;
Tell me anything you want, dear child,
Anyone can pray."

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tiger against the Humankind...


a few days back when i was at home...watching the idiot box with my mum...

there was an advertisement about saving our national animal...India's national animal...>> the Tiger...
the ad asked people to sms, blog and the works to generate awareness about the diminishing no of Tigers in our country...the advertisement was by Aircel...a telecommunication company...

nd my mum asked me
how would that help...we are not using any tiger products and none of the people we know use them...we are not also going out there to kill them...and the people who are indulging in poaching of this beautiful animal must not be aware of this...or dont care about this...
so how would this help ???

and for a few moments i realised she was true in what she would this actually help...???

hmmmm...that got my mind is the conclusion...

realising that there is a problem...forms the first part of solution for the problem...

the no of tigers in our country is 1411 right now...considering the size of our country and the fact that its our national animal...its really something to be pitied...

but lets take into consideration--- the forest cover is decreasing at a very rapid rate...
this in turn is destroying the natural habitat of animals like Tigers in particular...

we had been successful in making the Asiatic cheetah extinct with a little help from the Britishers...
and wow we made it possible before our country became independent...
that's really an achievement...( clap clap clap...we fucked them all...)

yeah awesome work by the
human - kind

what has really made "human-kind" really unkind towards the nature...
humankind...that word is like the height of hypocrisy...infact it takes it to a new level altogether...

Greed...ahh tats a nice word...a word we are all familiar with...
we have never been able to satisfy our needs and cravings...
we have lost the meaning of word need...its a cloak that covers our greed...
hmmm where to draw the line between need and greed...awww tats hard isnt it...

and isnt it true that its our greed for more and more and more...(till the infinity) that has led to the decreasing of forests...diminshing of tigers...the extinction of several species...

and isnt it true that no matter how much we matter how much we get...we are never satisfied...
we humans are so vain that we actually think that what we do is right...

so what do we do if tigers our losing out...
may be what we can actually do is just reduce a little of our greed...and may be that will make it possible that the nature may live in harmony...

so just think... maybe if one human reduces his or her need(greed) and waste just a little less in vanity...(atleast for starters...)
maybe then that human becomes responsible for saving a tree a little more space for out strong and brave Tiger...

lets make sure that it remains a LIVING NATIONAL ANIMAL>>...that is allowed to be free and really rule the jungle as it is supposed to be...

lets just not test this animals has lost much in the war...with odds against the TIGER...lets just respect the animal...for what it stands for...
for the fight it has put till now...

It's the eye of the tiger,
it's the cream of the fight
Rising' up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor stalks his prey in the night
And he's watching' us all in the eye of the tiger

ever thought why its our national animal...maybe it too has endured a lot like our country...maybe it too is still fighting...but maybe it might not last long...

Lets just let the TIGER remain free and Live in glory...

for i seriously want that the generations to come can also see what a majestic animal TIGER really is...

what our national animal stands for...

i don want that tigers should go extinct...

peace my friends...lets really become humankind...

I pray we do... I'll do my bit... and I'll pray that you please help our national animal survive...

p.s. Tiger against the Humankind...i dont like the sound of it...Tiger and the Humankind sounds nicer..